Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Walkthrough Cancelled

Yes we had a walkthrough scheduled for today where we were supposed to see a finished house with the potential for handover this afternoon. I drove by yesterday morning and could see of course that the house is no where near finished. David called SS so say shall we cancel the meeting and SS said that things would be finished that afternoon. Anyway SS sends text this morning saying save your leave (from work) the cabinet maker did not come. So walkthrough cancelled. Luckily I had not bothered to get the bank to send the final payment because I can see we are still miles off handover.

I have driven past every day lately and there is never anybody there including today. We are now 33 weeks since site scrape and we were sold into a guaranteed build time of 20 weeks with a verbal indication of 16, what a joke! We are now 1 month over on our contract and I cannot see any end in sight. Kevin's list of issues that came out of the inspection is nothing short of horrifying.

One of the issues he picked up on was huge scratches on our bifold doors. The Building Commission’s, Guide to Standards and Tolerances clause 18.04 Glazing, states: "Scratches, fractures, chips or blemishes on glazing and mirrors are defects if they are caused by the builder and can be seen from a normal viewing position. Minor scratches, fractures, chips or other blemishes that are not more than 10mm long and where there are not more than three blemishes per pane, are not defects’
Our scratches are huge and very visible.
This is the response we got from PD about the issue "the windows after being inspected by the Building Manager will not be replaced as they are not deemed defective"

We did not pay 4k to upgrade to bifold doors to have them handed over as damaged. During the entire build process PD made NO effort what so ever to protect any of the windows on the house from damage. On other builds I have seen the windows had a protective plastic type coating on them but not ours. Hence of course the windows have been damaged by careless tradesmen, why should this become our problem? We are waiting for the handover of a new house not a damaged one. I cannot see where the building manager is coming from to say the scratches are not defects when at least one of them is 10 times the size mentioned in the standard.

Regardless of issues that need to be fixed we still do not have a bathroom mirror or walk in robe cupboards. These are just yet to be installed.

I am so thankful that due to reading everyones blogs we decided not to give notice on our rental until we have the keys to the new house in our hand. Although this will cost us an extra month's rent it will mean we don't have to accept handover of an unfinished house due to having no where to live.

I have just sent an email to our CSR basically saying that we are fed up so we shall see what the result is.


K AND T said...

What a horror story! I feel so sorry for you. As someone who is about to start building with PD Prestige, I feel more than a little nervous after reading of the issues you have been having. I wish you the strength and the patience to accept nothing less than the home you were promised...including those doors!
Best of Luck,

David and Lisa said...

Hi K & T
At least if you know what you may be in for it makes it not so bad if it happens because you are ready for it. Even though it sux what is happening it was sort of expected after reading other people's blogs therefore easier to deal with.

would be home said...

Oh this is not done at all.
Same as K&T, i am nervous too, really wish that the issues get fixed for you asap.
This is not good on PD's part. Surely they need to get their act together, its not a done thing to have unhappy customers.
Wish you all the luck...

Petal said...

Oh, guys, I was so looking forward to reading that you'd gone through and were ready to take possession....

I'm with you re windows - I've often whinged to DH that they don't seem to take much care of them - will be inspecting ours carefully!!!

As for their response - Not good enough - "Display quality or BETTER" is what they GUARANTEE!!! Look forward to hearing a happy report next time! :-)

T&L said...

Hi Guys,
Wow that is so horrible! We feel terrible for you (and we thought we had stuff to complain about!) We are SO, SO glad that you wont be giving notice until you have those keys in your hot little hands. Best way to do it for SURE! It will take so much stress out of it for you and just give you more power knowing you dont have a deadline, and piece of mind that your money will be well spent as you'll a fantastic house that is totally yours, and you wont have to share with tradies over the months to come if you accept anything less than this. You'll also have a whole month to move over....Whoohoo!! Good Luck & stay strong ;-) T,L and the Cherubs!

Anonymous said...

It's the Hamilton curse. I hate to say it but I kind of know how you feel. I was expecting to be in during July based on what they told me about site start and duration - its now going to be November! These are the most basic of their prestige range and they struggle to manage a square a week. Hang in there.... (says me totally not hanging in there)