Thursday, March 27, 2008

A pile of rubbish

Unfortunately the company who did our demolition left lots of building waste such as bricks pipes and concrete hidden under the soil. As we are supposed to provide a "clean" site our builder has piled it all up for us to get rid of. As we have already paid the demolition company we have had no luck with getting them to come back and collect the rubbish. They believe it was left over from a previous job at the back of the property. This is complete garbage as the house that was on the block had been there for 35 years and we paid them to clear the site, grrrrr.

Anyway as our builder already had a bobcat and trucks on site we asked how much to take the rubbish away. We thought considering about 50% of the pile is soil and our huge site costs of nearly 37k which included removing lots of excess dirt, that it would not be too expensive. Wrong, they quoted $4000 to remove the pile! We could not believe it! Obviously we decided to look into it ourselves and found someone in the yellow pages to remove it for $1600, it is amazing that we can find someone to do it so much cheaper and we have nothing to do with the building industry, the builder claims they do not make any money on site costs. Now we have removed three truckloads of rubbish mixed with soil and we are very annoyed that the builder will not give us a credit for the loads of soil that they no longer have to cart away.

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