Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Lockup we think?

It says in the Porter Davis 24x7 system that we are at lockup on 23rd May which is Friday but we just received the invoice today saying Congratulations! Your lockup stage is now complete??? As you can see from the pics it looks like we are at lockup. All the brickwork is finished and the doors are on but the little roof above those three windows you see in the front is not on yet (hence it rains inside the house).

It is very exciting to see the house starting to look like the display home. We have still heard nothing from our site supervisor in response to Kevin's Inspection and what they are going to do about the problems (it has been a week since they got the report). All we have heard from our CSR is that plastering is being put off until further notice. The lack of feedback is annoying.

This is our lovely front door that will be stained eventually. We are very happy with it.

The plaster has been delivered
The cornices have also been delivered, unfortunately they were left in this position in the entry as over the weekend it rained lots and the rain came in the study roof that has not been built yet and totally flooded the floor. The cornices are now laying in a pool of water. I'll just say they had better not use the bottom ones that have been laying in the water for days.


Petal said...

Hi guys. I was very excited to find your blog, as we are also building with PD (Brookvale) and we're having similar colours - Hawthorn bricks, with Paperbark render, so it's great to see your place going up, and seeing our brick on a place under construction! Although we started around the same time, we're way behind you. I am really interested to know what your inspector Kevin found, too, as we're considering getting someone independent to have a look at our place. Did he find anything more than the BSS inspector? We're actually on holidays, back Sat night, and have a site mtg Mon morning. Oh, and they rang us up here (when I told our CSR we would be away!) to try to get us to pay an invoice....before we've even had a chance to look at the frame - normally communication is lacking, but they're quick to communicate when they want payment, aren't they?!!!!!Looking forward to watching your place progress!

David and Lisa said...

Hi Petal
Nothing is happening at the moment so you will probably catch up to us anyway! Your place looks huge and is progressing well. It is definitely worth getting Kevin, I have no idea what BSS found with our place but I happened to arrive during the end of the inspection and I reckon he would not have picked up on anything that would be a pain to fix.