Friday, November 14, 2008
It's a Miracle, we got handover!
After we waited for the cabinets to be finished we went off to the Berwick office and got the keys!!!!!
There are a few little things that still need to be done like a missing flyscreen, a missing roof tile, Renani hot water controller not working and the keys we were given only open one of the doors so we have no keys for the other ones. But WE HAVE A HOUSE, YAAY!!! We thought it would never happen but our SS managed to make it happen.
Will write more we I have time, lots to organise now.
Thursday, November 13, 2008
Can't see handover happening
Considering once the bathroom vanity top has been replaced they still need a plumber to put the sink back on there is no hope for tomorrow. SS has not answered his phone all day. I called CSR to find out what is going on, she said she would get the building manager to call but again nothing.
We are totally at a loss as to what to do, there does not seem to be any hope of ever getting everything done and we have the people coming on Monday to install the plantation shutters. Maybe they will accept our offer of handover now in return for a $10,000 refund??? Speaking of refunds they actually have agreed to give us the $1000 refund for the gutters to not be replaced.
We still haven't given notice on our rental so maybe we can just give up on getting the house and keep renting. It would be just like having an investment property but with no-one living in it!
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
Spat the Dummy
SS was only 10 mins late in the end which we were expecting worse but in that time we had found an open window and jumped in and started looking around, this is when my blood started to boil. In 4.5 weeks hardly any of the items on the list had been fixed and even some new problems had come up such as some idiot leaning an unused door up against our feature wall causing the paint to be scratched and dented the whole way along.
I had never met SS before but I totally went nuts at him he just cannot seem to get anything done. He started calling tradesmen in a panic. In the end we came up with a list of items that had to be fixed before we get handover and I told him we want handover on Friday which he said we would definitely have he absolutely promised. I said ok can I get tradesmen to come on Monday? and he said definitely. I even mentioned that if there is no handover on Friday I am just breaking a window on Monday to let my tradesmen in. I also said that if the house is not ready on Friday we can negotiate a refund to cover the fact that we will need to get all the things fixed ourselves and I am thinking $10,000 should cover it. Obviously he said that he could not authorise that sort of thing and we would have to speak to the building manager Dean. This is the same building manager who has never once got involved in our job even though we are way over contract time. Thanks Dean!
There are a number of items on Kevin's list that we are just not bothering about as they are just not capable of fixing stuff, we now just want the list to be manageable and only the essential stuff on it. Some examples of this are tiling that is not right and stains on the render.
As for our Colorbond gutters that had been damaged by the brick cleaners and have now been painted over. I called the manufacturer and they confirmed that it would no longer be under warranty and that they should be replaced and we are getting an inferior product even though we have paid for Colorbond. As there is no way in the world we want to wait for the entire gutters and fascia to be replaced I decided to write to PD requesting a $1000 refund to accept the inferior product.
Here are some pictures of the things that need to be fixed:
The cabinet makers (apparently named Claytons) finally came back to finish the walk in robe cupboards. This is a picture of the door they installed. No thought to the fact that it was damaged and would just need to be replaced.
This is how neatly they get things to line up NOT
This is where they have put the shelf in the wrong way with the chipboard facing the front, we cant just change it round because it has a hole drilled in the back to accommodate the pipe.
This is the top of the bathroom vanity that has been scratched for ages but still not replaced
This is our new baby's wardrobe door handles that don't even come close to lining up (not sure if you can tell from the pic)
Again not sure if you can tell from the pic but Kevin noticed this feature column is very crooked. We have given up on bothering getting this fixed after SS asked us today "so which one is it?", he has had the inspection report for 4 weeks and not bothered to find out!
A render stain in the front bedroom window. We have given up on this one too as you can't see it from the street.
Scratched down pipe right through to the metal, this is on the to be fixed list.