Tuesday, November 20, 2007

The house we are going to demolish

Here is a picture of the house are going to demolish. Yes there is nothing wrong with it but it was in the way!

During the start of this year we spent months looking for a house to buy but we could not find anything that we liked. Once we decided to build we had the lovely job of looking for land. As this is an established area there was none available except for overpriced blocks under high voltage power lines! Once we decided to buy an existing house and demolish it we put a few offers in on places that were already on the market and always lost out. Since the Real Estate agents were no use in finding us what we wanted we decided to take matters into our own hands.
We printed up some colour leaflets on our inkjet printer with a family photo and a blurb saying that we are looking for land to build our dream home, the price we were willing to pay etc. We delivered about 100 of these in streets that had blocks facing the right direction (so our alfresco area could face north) and that were big enough to fit our house. We used google maps and the landdata site to find out dimensions.
Sure enough out of the 100 we sent we finally got a phone call from a lovely man we will call T. He said he had been thinking of downsizing and liked the idea that a new house would be put on his block rather than other people moving in to his family home. Also he did not have to spend any money of agents fees and advertising etc. We met up and came to a price we were both very happy with and 60 days later we had our land!

Tuesday, October 2, 2007

What our house should look like

The house we have chosen to build is the Hamilton 34 by Porter Davis. It has four bedrooms and a study so should be plenty big enough for a long time. Here is a picture of the house we are building. The main difference being we will not have any landscaping or driveway (probably).

This is the floorplan of the house, we have made some adjustments but you can get the general picture.

If this is too small here is a link to a bigger one: http://www.porterdavis.com.au/content/Houses/Hamilton/Floorplans/hamilton34.pdf